Use Gatsby’s Link Component to Improve Site Performance and Simplify Site Development

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Gatsby’s Link component is a powerful way to improve the user experience and simplify the development workflow when building Gatsby sites. It makes navigating between internal links instantaneous, creating an app-like feel, and provides helpers for various common use cases.

In this playlist, you’ll learn:

  • Why and how to use Gatsby’s Link component for internal link navigation
  • How to set styles for the currently active link
  • How to apply active styles to parent pages and other partially matching URLs
  • How to send state information in the props of the Link target
  • How to replace items in the navigation history
  • How to navigate programmatically using the navigate helper function


Jason Lengstorf

Jason Lengstorf is a developer, architect, occasional designer, and frequent speaker. He’s passionate about building tools, systems, and training materials to create high-performance teams and apps. He later encourages those teams to use their newfound free time to go outside and be people and stuff. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Course content (6 lessons)

    illustration for Use Gatsby’s Link Component to Improve Site Performance and Simplify Site Development