Build Custom Command Line Interface (CLI) Tooling with oclif and TypeScript

1h 46m
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Today, you can't do anything in JavaScript without bumping into a CLI.

Want to install a library? yarn add it. Want a React app? create-react-app. Want to format your JavaScript? prettier --write. Want your types checked? tsc. Bundling? Pick from webpack, rollup, or parcel. Deploying? now or netlify deploy.

CLI's are everywhere, and even if you don't write them, sooner or later you'll have to debug them.

This workshop serves as a comprehensive survey of the state of the art of CLI tooling for everyone looking to make an impact in open source, across their company, and even in their own productivity.

Check out these community notes for this course on Github.


Shawn Wang

I am an Infinite Builder and work on Developer Experience at Netlify. I love Learning in Public and helping people do the same.

Course content (15 lessons)

    illustration for Build Custom Command Line Interface (CLI) Tooling with oclif and TypeScript