Refetching Data with Subjects in Angular

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One of the things that drove me crazy when I was first learning RxJS in Angular was how difficult it seemed to reload a collection of data after I added or deleted an item. With promises, I could just use .then() and be on my way. What do we do with observables? Should we just nest another subscription? Even if we do that, since we're using the async pipe, nothing will happen. There are better ways to handle this that are more reactive. In this lesson, I'm going to show you one way using Subjects. Subjects are kind of like event emitters that can have multiple listeners.

Mark Fasel
Mark Fasel
~ 3 years ago

One thing that wasn't clear was that the server.js was updated to add the post() for calling from the angular app. As a suggestion, this should be more clearly identified whether in video or in the text summary. I had to review the code in GitHub and compare what I was missing only to find it was changes on the server.js.

~ 2 years ago

I had exactly the same problem as Mark Fasel above. Sometimes there are some things already done and working in next lesson without mentioning it.